Example plan

last modified June 30, 2009
2017 - 2018
2018 - 2019
2019 - 2020
2020 - 2021


Writing is a learning process and the sooner you begin the better. The first time is the hardest. The next times you need to write it will be easier. It is best to start writing early in the process, for example by writing a description of the theory, which can serve later on as the basis for the theoretical chapter of your book. Also, you could get started on describing the set up of your first experiment already, even without having the results in yet.
You can read more about this item on page 58, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Teaching is part of the job description for most PhD students. What the teaching entails depends on where you work. Teaching can consist of providing lectures or seminars, drafting and reviewing exams or supervising thesis students and trainees.
You can read more about this item on page 61, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Every research project begins with studying information from the professional field. Sometimes it is not your own field and you will need more time to read up on it. It is also necessary for you to explore the research methods.
You can read more about this item on page 56, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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When gathering information through reading or doing experiments, it is very tempting to keep involving new aspects in your research. And although this could provide potentially interesting and beautiful data for your thesis, you need to decide in advance when to stop incorporating new information in your research.

You can read more about this item on page 58, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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As a PhD student you are obliged to follow a certain number of courses by your graduate school or the faculty or department. But there is also space left to choose some courses for yourself. Furthermore, don’t forget about the summer schools and the possibility of foreign work experience.
You can read more about this item on page 60, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Case study or experiment

A key activity of a PhD project is to collect and process research data. This can take different forms in different disciplines. In one discipline it may be called a test, in other disciplines an experiment or a case study.
You can read more about this item on page 56, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Symposia and conferences

As a rule, you only go to a conference if you are making a presentation. You must therefore ensure that you write a paper or make a poster presentation about your research results or the design of your research.
You can read more about this item on page 61, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Appointments with supervisors

At various points in this chapter we recommend you discuss your planning with your supervisor. He or she can usually help you make a correct estimate of the time that certain activities will take. Use your schedule in reaching your agreements. It is a big pitfall for both supervisor and PhD student to want to put too much into the four years that are available.
You can read more about this item on page 62, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Final stage

For the last stage of your thesis it is wise to plan four to five months. The procedure is slightly different at each university, but it is roughly as follows. Your thesis will have to pass the reading committee, the doctoral committee, the beadle and the publisher.
You can read more about this item on page 64, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Usually you then go back to work with renewed energy and often with fresh ideas. Also on another level it is good to build some ‘air’ into the planning on a regular basis. That does not mean you have to take this time ‘off’, but you have to keep it free.
You can read more about this item on page 66, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Do not forget about planning a vacation while you are planning your work. This usually is a rather painfully forgotten area.
You can read more about this item on page 66, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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You can use this for any other activity in your planning system.

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Risk analysis

Finally, perform a risk analysis. First you make an estimate using the diagram in chapter 2. For risks that have a high chance of occurring and for risks with high impact, you must take immediate action.
You can read more about this item on page 63, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Submitting and rewriting a paper

Once your supervisor(s) have approved your draft paper you now can submit it to a journal. Do not forget to celebrate this success!
Unfortunately your submitted paper will not always be accepted by the journal. In the case that it will be accepted, acceptance depends on revisions to your writings, which you will need to make in a limited time span.
You can read more about this item on page 59, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Applying for grants

If you are aiming for an academic career, it is wise to reserve time to write a grant proposal at the end of your contract. But be aware of the fact that the different programs have their own dates for submission, only once per year.
You can read more about this item on page 63, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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Good project management starts with the end result in mind. Even though much is not clear still and you haven’t got any data yet, you know what to aim for: a book! This will be a manuscript consisting of a couple of chapters with an introduction and a conclusion.
You can read more about this item on page 55, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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It could be interesting to spend a couple of months at a foreign institute. Part of your research could be executed in this environment where you might learn new techniques as well as get acquainted with another academic culture than your own.
You can read more about this item on page 66, Projectmanagement for PhD’s (2017)

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